We are building 100,000 seat auditorium; did they collect money from you?
“They should have built a factory”: who told you? Do you budget for somebody’s resources?
Keep quiet my friend and face your job.
You will never keep unprofitable stewards in your system.
You want all round rest? The kind He gave to your Church: All Round Rest
You know something: we have never built 200 Churches in a year before, in this Commission. Now we are getting close to 2000 this year. Simplicity!
While we are sorting out land issues here and there to be sure, because we can’t remove building. You can’t remove a building. Praise God. But the first 1000 plus (Churches), we have…no issues, they are worshipping there now. In one year. Yet simplicity, because He said so and you just simply embrace the simple Word of God and then things begin to work for you.
In the name of Jesus, you will never lose whatever belongs to you again.
The first time I heard how much we pay on this Campus many, many years ago for Diesel in a month, I told them it was not true. I told the Director of Finance, “it’s not true.”
He said: we have the records.
I said: it is not true, I am telling it is not true.
You know why? I didn’t feel it: All Round Rest! Rest, all round rest.
About 35,000 people draw their monthly pay from this Commission every month. All round rest!You are going somewhere ooo. You are going somewhere.
Rural Church is going on. All the offerings from rural Churches for the next 40 years cannot build what they are building for them because I learnt some fellows were saying that, “It is because they don’t have offering that is why they said they should go.” It is because you are sick, you are unproductive, you will be plucked out. We sent you to go to the villages to reach out to minimum 12 souls in a week and ensure that minimum 6 of them come to Church. Then 6 months, you don’t have 10.
You are unprofitable, you shouldn’t survive.
Sound management brought us here Sir. Keeping unprofitable servants makes you a poor manager. Church Gist.
Businessmen hear me now: keeping unprofitable servants makes you a poor manager. The more you are…
You have a right to resign, we have the right to sack you. It is a system, it works like that everywhere.
We are building 100,000 seat auditorium; did they collect money from you?
“They should have built a factory”: who told you? Do you budget for somebody’s resources? Keep quiet my friend and face your job.
All round rest.
They enjoy hearing from me, so I like speaking to them.
Even UK government agree that our Churches are one of the best run charity in UK.
Well, God is faithful.That is how your business will be.
You will never keep unprofitable stewards in your system.
If you have a driver who is always bashing your car, will you retain him? Before he will bash you yourself.