Acoording to a facebook user, Oriago Bongos Akhaine, who shared the story about a young Doctor, Ehidiamen Oakimena, who is the son of a prominent UNIBEN staff was shot with an automatic rifle by Fulani herdsmen, who blocked the road.
He wrote;
With deep pain i announce the death of Dr Ehidiamen Oakimena…a senior registrar in Dept of Anaethesia UBTH. Sorry to disturb our peace. I want to inform us that Fulani herdsmen blocked the Okada Benin road and shot this young man with automatic rifle. He died of complications such as Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy..made him bleed ceaselessly. Residents in UBTH donated over 30 pints of blood. He is 2nd son to a prominent Christian brother… former UNIBEN staff…a Deeper Life member.