After the whole public have lashed on Stella to leave Daniel for his wife, and his family, friends hating and bad mouthing, the dude 'Daniel' has Cling to the love of his life o! Which is Stella Damascus, and he his not stopping at all.
The Guy is very serious about His babe! And he intend to keep his relationship with Stella forever he said it himself, read below what Mr Ademinokan said in public, incase y'all don't know now! Remember Stella has said to the public that she is not the one taking someone's husband away that the man has left the wife already before they found love with each other, Toh! Seems she was saying the truth, because from the confessions below! Daniel is the one begging here!.. Lolz don't know what to say again.
”I am so excited to dedicate this song to one person who has been a rock.Sometimes God just aligns things to happen at the right time.Stella Damasus – you are an amazing person and I appreciate you so much. The kind of mind you have, the way you think. It’s different and I’ll probably never meet anyone like you.People don’t know the truth about how we got together. I appreciate you so much and you are a very blessed person.
“There is something special about you.I have always said to you that the enemy will not attack you if you aren’t special.You have been a source of encouragement to me.You have changed a lot of things in my life.The way we came together is even a mystery to us.The world may know a lot of crazy things about you but I know who you really are.Thank you for loving me for who I am. We cannot show the whole world everything but you and I have conquered so much in a short time.I would not have been able to achieve a lot of the thing I have if I wasn’t with the right person.You are an actress, singer, writer, teacher, philanthropist, is there anything you can’t do? I love you very much and im dedicating this song to you because I want you to stay with me forever.”